Thursday 3 November 2016

Great Newsome Brewery Holderness Dark at the Clove Hitch, Liverpool

The Clove Hitch is one of Liverpool's trendier bars. It's set in an old homely Townhouse which instantly sets it apart from a pub, and its primary function is an upmarket cafe that serves food. Drinkers are made very welcome and aren’t forced into purchasing a meal. A small flight of steps leads to a hallway leading to dining rooms either side, and the rear room hosted a bar led by a very friendly and welcoming server who was happy to chat to us. Meanwhile, downstairs is a large basement bar complete with its own bottled beer cellar which allows off-licence sales. It was a shame that I left my suitcase in the railway station's locker room. The bar caters for everyone and sells a large variety of Belgium and craft beers, but the mild that I sampled was one of the best beers that I had on this trip; dark and smooth while not completely overpowering.

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