Wednesday 23 November 2016

Wells's Eagle IPA at Cox's Yard, Stratford upon Avon

On our post-pub tour of Stratford upon Avon’s beer festival, our first stop was Cox’s Yard. It was formerly known as the Lazy Cow but a new generation of owners have restored it to its former state as a live entertainment venue as well as a pub with a superb timber patio. It’s a perfect tourist spot opposite the river, while a barn allows for private dining and other functions. It’s the ultimate stop venue; but it’s a shame that it’s so full of tourists. The bar staff seemed to be foreign and seemed to be wearing sportswear which I thought gave no respect to the venue at all. They were also totally ignorant about the Cask Marque Ale trail, and the beers themselves were pricey. It wasn’t a bad beer and it was a novelty to have a London beer in the middle of Stratford, but I hope that’s not just there to fulfil someone’s portfolio of a British beer.

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