Thursday 10 November 2016

Goodbye to Graham and Stu

A sad but fond farewell was given to licensees Graham Leonard and Stuart Wilcox in November, who have been running the Old Cock Inn for six years. This historic pub owned by Marstons is over 300 years old and is Droitwich’s oldest licensed premises. During their tenancy, the pair have organised a huge variety of events to keep customers entertained; including live music, comedians, drag acts as well as the town’s Friar Fest; a large street market festival promoting food, drink, live music and stalls to promote the local community. The Old Cock Inn earned a place in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide in 2014, and was awarded the Redditch & Bromsgrove CAMRA Pub of the Season in Spring 2015 to recognise their efforts in serving the community. The bar was packed out with locals during the boys’ last night behind the bar; with real ale selling out very early and all other supplies running very low. As we went to press we were told that the pub was being transformed into a bar and restaurant, and that Redditch & Bromsgrove CAMRA have applied to Wychavon District Council to get this historic pub listed as an asset of community value. We wish Graham and Stuart the very best in their futures. 

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