Sunday 20 November 2016

Prescott Grand Prix at the Roscoe Head, Liverpool

There was quite a buzz as we entered this small community local hidden just around the corner from a huge strip of chain pubs, and you might say it’s a small fish in a big pond. The pub company had previously closed this pub (as they do), and there was a considerable campaign to get the pub open again. It’s famed for having a long listing in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide, and the whole design of the pub is for quiet conversation. William Roscoe himself was a campaigner against the slave trade, so this would have been a perfect pub for him to meet people and devise his strategies. I always thought that the roscoe was a type of fish. After being served our halves in the bar, we have a wander around three rooms nodding a hello for the locals before piling into a fourth room by the window. We were soon joined by other CAMRA members who happily joined us, and at least one of the rooms then became available for noon-locals!

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