Thursday 24 November 2016

The Reflections Game

Let’s play a game. Find a mirror or a reflective surface. Now put your hand out in front of you. Now, staring only at your reflection, raise and lower each finger above your hand in turn from left to right. You may find that it’s harder than it looks and that it’s extremely difficult to get it right first time, especially with your weaker hand. You might even find it difficult by looking at your hand rather than your reflection. It certainly took me a while, and I got a few of my fingers mixed up in the process. It’s an excellent game that I invented while on a train up to Brum, and it’s a must-do if you play a musical instrument. Mastering this game is an excellent to home in your keyboard skills, reflexes, and it’s extremely handy if you type a lot. But if you get it right, you’ll be able to type or play blindfolded.

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