Wednesday 30 November 2016

The Business Calendar

Why on earth do businesses follow a different calendar to everyone else? We hear terms like financial quarter in the financial year ending FYE 2017 with periods and week numbers when all we are doing is describing what happened last month. When I’m doing company paperwork, I have to carry a little sheet around with all the weeks and months labelled. It might be great if you’re an international company who deals with a lot of different time zones and have to plan around other people’s holidays; but having a numerical system just to avoid a language barrier also fails because what might be week fifty-two in one company might be week forty-four in another. Some base it around the financial tax year; while others base it on trade to work out when their busiest periods will be. It all creates a code to hide their activities from their competitors which is probably the main reason why they do it; but it also dehumanises the whole thing when it comes to administration. So why not just use the same calendar as everyone else and re-name the month entirely as a new project? Operation orange sounds much more exciting to describe your end of year sale rather than week 53. 

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