Monday 23 November 2015

We need more holidays

For the last year, more and more British retailers are taking part in the infamous Black Friday sales. It’s developed from an American tradition where many businesses are closed for the Thanksgiving weekend, and people are actually celebrating with family. Businesses start their sales early to clear their remaining stock to make room for Christmas items and new products. Over here, we don’t have a thanksgiving celebration; but we are still expected to work our arses off for pretty much a normal payday weekend. Even printers and car salesmen are having special weekend deals. There’s hysteria on the shop floor as people battle for basement bargains which they could pretty much have at any other time of year. And then there’s the Cyber Monday deals, which causes even more panic buying; throwing out and general waste. We need our own cultural celebration which should be St. George’s Day, and it’s about time we showed pride in our military heritage and make Remembrance Day a bank holiday too. It’s time people traded responsibly. But at least it takes the pressure off Boxing Day and New Year sales.  

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