Wednesday 11 November 2015

Butterbeer at the Magic Alley, Stratford Upon Avon

As part of our visit to Stratford, we took a look inside Magic Alley, the magic shop in Stratford upon Avon which commemorates Dave Matthews’s The Wizard Chronicles. These books celebrate their 25th anniversary; and I’d never heard of them until I set foot in the museum. The staff do recognise that Harry Potter is much mainstream and do sell some of their products; mainly of the sweet variety. I was really hoping to go upstairs into the museum; but instead we opted to go into the cafĂ© and try a butterbeer. We were ushered into the back of the shop which had a small parlour; and was nearly like a private boudoir complete with curtains and velvet seats. My friend suggested sitting outside; but to be honest that just looked like their smoking area next to the bins. And the butterbeer; though non-alcoholic; was one of the sourest and creamiest drinks that I’d ever tasted. It was a sour creamy ginger ale with pumpkin juice. We drank quickly then headed off to find a real drink. 

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