Monday 9 November 2015

Old Bill's Grave at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford Upon Avon

We opted to go for a nice stroll round Stratford upon Avon. We walked through the town and down to the canal, then followed the river through the rec ground. Our plan was to catch the foot ferry to see William Shakespeare’s grave; but as it turned out we arrived too early. It was still very nice as we continued down the river with trees overhanging the banks; but I wasn’t sure where we could turn round as I’d never been this far downstream before. But eventually we reached a huge road bridge with a foot bridge running next to it; which made for a perfect crossing. We found the church which was currently undergoing restoration work; then headed straight for the tomb of the world’s greatest bard. Except it wasn’t really a tomb; but simply a slab in the ground alongside his other family members. The only thing that truly made it Shakespearian was the well-kept bust mounted on the wall. 

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