Thursday 12 November 2015

Grainstone Cooking at the Corn Exchange, Leicester

Deep in the heart of Leicester is a Wetherspoons that I have always wanted to visit. Last time I got stuck in the one-way system; gave up; and parked in a side-street which happened to be a completely different Wetherspoons but was still worth going to. The Corn Exchange has always attracted me because of the large building that it’s in; and the picture of a large stone bridge over its entrance portrays the impression of going into a cage. Unfortunately, my phone battery was very low so my navigational skills weren’t the best when heading into town. This time, I found a third completely different Wetherspoons; but this time I was determined not to give up and asked for directions to the Corn Exchange. After some more wandering around, we finally found it hidden in the centre of the market place. It wasn’t an impressive building inside; just a two storey cotemporary decorated pub; with a large horseshoe bar. I find that horseshoe bars are difficult for the customer if there is a side which is unmanned; as you never know who is to be served next. My friend opted for a vegetable curry but wasn’t able to say that everything was OK when our waiter came to check as he hadn’t sampled everything on his plate yet.However; even though the service was a bit strange and my steak was a tiny bit grisly; I thoroughly enjoyed my Cooking bitter from the Grainstore brewery. 

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