Sunday 8 November 2015

Highland Brewing Company's Scapa Special at the Square Peg, Birmingham

The Square Peg is a pub I’ve passed quite a few times on the way to other places, but I hadn’t actually been in for over twelve years when our university crowd used to meet up there for meals. It’s quite a narrow pub with a long stretch of lounge either side. It was quite busy for a Friday night as people were passing through; and the only vacant table I could find was in a corner reserved for the solo drinkers. The pub had gone to great lengths to showcase their choice of real ales; but as usual most people were leaning over the hand pumps to order other drinks not in plain view. The beer was in good form; a red bitter with a nice spice. I thought it was a new beer for me; but as usual there wasn’t enough time to glance at my beer tick list before getting served. I wonder when the pub's quiet sessions are?

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