Tuesday 10 November 2015

National Space Museum, Leicester

Deep in the heart of Leicestershire lies a museum which is literally out of this world. It has a planetarium with amazing effects; lots of hands-on activities to keep the kid in me amused; and best of all; it’s educational! The National Space Museum is well worth a visit. There’s a giant rocket that you can climb through; interactive displays that need maintenance; and models aplenty to control (providing you can shoo the school kids away!). There’s a section of the international space station that you can walk through; as well as many other exhibits to crawl in and try on. This time, I was really looking forward to the space simulator; which I thought would be a video roller coaster; but instead turned out to be a stationary chassis that jerked violently as we turned an on-screen corner. It’s a great place to explore; but can be a bit boring if you’ve visited before; I think the only thing that’s changed since my previous visit is the planetarium’s film.

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