Friday 27 November 2015

Hobsons Town Crier at the Sportsmans Arms, Redditch

This month’s beer meeting was held in a pub that few would choose to venture into, but it was chosen for the fact that there was a private upstairs meeting room available, of which I wasn’t aware of before. There was a very strong smell of sewage as we entered the bar which we politely tried to ignore; but the emphasis for a quick meeting was the general consensus of the room. I had to make a few extra trips from floor to floor to supply extra chairs so that everyone could be seated, and it was only on the second run that the landlord offered to help. The beer was in good condition; but no-one was in a rush to get a re-fill as it was the only beer available. It was difficult to try and get the meeting to a full conclusion so that we could move onto the nearby brewery tap bar, as some had yet to make their visit. Being the last one to leave as I had to ensure that the room was tidy and also to thank the landlord, I was also the last to be served in the brewery tap pub, but at least I managed to get my loyalty card filled up quickly.

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