Tuesday 17 November 2015

Pint Taken Winter Editorale 2015/6

Is it winter already? There’s no hint of a frost outside; which surely means that there’s plenty of time to relax with a perfect pint in front of a roaring log fire before starting the Christmas shopping? However, our good friend Jack Frost has become somewhat unreliable over the years; and as our last official white Christmas took place four years ago, it’s already time to start planning for 2016.  Where has the time gone? 

Of course, after Christmas comes the dreaded New Year Resolutions. After polishing off those bottled Christmas ales, many people choose to start the new year in a ‘Dryanuary’ state; which doesn’t help our hard-working licensees in the pub trade. So this year, why not join the Tryanuary movement? Why not make a resolution to seek out new pubs; or re-visit local pubs that you haven’t been to in a while? January is a great time to get to know new landlords during this quiet period; and you may be pleasantly surprised by what they have on offer. Or better yet; why not make a resolution to get involved with some of CAMRA’s campaigns and beer festivals? We hope that you find plenty of inspiration in this very magazine! After all, pubs aren’t just for Christmas…

From all at Pint Taken, we hope that you’ve had a great 2015 and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Hoppy New Beer! And to the cider and perry lovers; WASSAIL!

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