Friday 20 November 2015


I finally got round to giving Hex a second go. The first time I watched it, I dozed off while two of my friends were in the room. It’s a western where an outlaw seeks justice for the murder of his family while undertaking bounty hunting in the process. It stars Josh Brolin as an ugly, battle-scarred mumbling cowboy who I could barely understand; and had to rely on the subtitles to work out what was happening. Megan Fox plays a prostitute which barely creates a love interest and could easily be Brolin’s daughter were it not for the fact that his family were burned to death, and is only there to make the film look pretty. The plot is short for which I am grateful, and we only see two demonstration of Brolin’s unnatural ability to talk to the dead to obtain information for his quests. John Malkovich also stars as the film’s antagonist, and of course he always plays evil geniuses well. 

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