Saturday 28 November 2015

Heaven Sent Plot Holes...

I was shocked to see learn the conclusion of Heaven Sent that our great Doctor may be a hybrid created to destroy the Time Lords. To me, this makes no sense. The first thing is that a few  million years could have been saved if he went back for his shovel to smash through the ice? And surely the Time Lords would be aware of the Hybrid by now; since he ran from Gallifrey; so why are they so desperate to help him by restoring him to full health? And if the Time Lords are trapped; then hasn’t the Doctor won already? And why help trap the planet in the first place; why not let the Daleks do his dirty work for him in the great Time war? I suppose that the Daleks fear the Hybrid as they believe that Galifrey is already destroyed; but there have been no efforts to tame him to their will. Only time will tell…

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