Saturday 14 November 2015

St. Austell Tribute at the Riflemans Arms, Droitwich

It’s always hard to try and get a good parking spot in Droitwich. My first visit was during daytime hours so I knew that I would probably have to pay; and headed into the Morrisons Car Park. It was a fair walk to get to this pub; heading into a street of independent shops and past a rough pub into a road near a school where classes had just finished. But I found the pub and had a lovely chat with the landlady about our upcoming CAMRA meeting who had agreed to put us in the back room. The beer was in good form and I sat near the window watching the locals come in for their after-work drink. So when it came to the meeting itself; I somehow ended up parking even further away; and completely forgot about the spaces near the independent shops. Even though the beer was still in good form; it was a struggle to arrange for the pub to have our meeting; as the back room turned out to be the outside smoking lounge and the landlady seemed to be popping out for the evening for a few drinks herself! Still, we got the job done.

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