Sunday 30 August 2015

Usain Bolt

You gotta love Usain Bolt. Not only does he battle regularly with others to retain his title as the fastest man on earth, he also has to battle with the world-wide media. Quite literally. After finishing in the 200m at the Beijing Olympics; a cameraman falls off his Segway while filming Bolt and lands on top of him. Bolt bounces back up; then immediately feels concerned for the cameraman and remains at his side until he’s sure that he is OK. He doesn’t even mind that no-one’s focused on his injury at all. Not a lot of modern day athletes would show such compassion or even tolerance if it was to happen to them; but Bolt’s laid-back Jamaican attitude is something that others could learn a lesson from. He also does great poses, and was a bit of a prankster in his youth; which the authorities did not like. Despite this, he is truly a man worthy of his title.

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