Saturday 1 August 2015

Too late for cake

A late start meant a nice lie-in from yesterday's travelling. However, as I wasn't driving; I was one of the first to arise; and after breakfast had been established we decided to go for a stroll down the lake. At the jetty was a hive of activity; where a Life Improvement Association were preparing their annual fete. It turns out that this wasn't a self-help group or even a cult; but to raise funds for the local environment preservation society. People were setting up displays and gazebos; and we were promised venison burgers straight from the BBQ; a display of birds of prey and old ladies selling their bake-off wares. We headed back up the hill and discovered s wonderful old bridge next to the road; and behind this was a waterfall powering a hydro-electric station. But after climbing a hill for views of the loch; by the time we had returned to rally the others the lemon drizzle cake had disappeared right under my nose; and all trace of the barbecue (apart from the smell) had vanished. 

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