Tuesday 4 August 2015

Highland Islands

Our adventures continued as we hired an outboard motor boat for the afternoon. We had prepared a picnic and our plan was to visit some large islands in the middle of the Loch. After donning our life jackets we set course for our first island; and slowly drifted into shore. Unfortunately we had to jump out; which meant my already wet clothing took a severe soaking as I landed on the beach. A short walk led us to an old chapel deep in the heart of the island with tombstones of various ages. We soon boarded and rowed back out; then let the motor kick in to explore a ruined castle on a second island. This beach was much smaller; and we had to row our boat in gently to reach the beach; but it was an excellent picnic spot. The castle’s ruins were overgrown with ripe wild strawberries which made an excellent snack. 

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