Wednesday 12 August 2015

The wolf at the Leaping Salmon

After an evening spent exploring the south side of Berwick Upon Tweed’s outer walls, we ventured cautiously into the Leaping Salmon. Steve seemed to think we were lost and that we were in a chain restaurant rather than a pub; but I soon put him right. This Wetherspoons was a lot smaller than others in the country; and we struggled to find a table that hadn't yet been cleared of earlier diners. However; we chose and ordered; and our meals arrived quite quickly. Having crossed the border earlier; I was still pleasantly surprised to find the Highland Burger on the menu. I was also confused when I asked if it was the haggis beef or haggis chicken I wanted; but it turned out I got both beef and haggis. The whisky sauce was a little watered down and didn't offer much taste; but the Lone Wolf beer that accompanied it was in excellent condition. 

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