Sunday 23 August 2015

Man in a Van

My second delivery was in a much more residential area. When I arrived; the only place that I saw fit to park was by mounting the kerb to drive along the green do that the rear door of the van was in line with the pavement. I found the house OK; it was a walk to the front door as it wasn't in line with the road. I returned to the van and started the first part of a triple return journey; since there were three flat pack items. I started with the smallest one, then carried it over and knocked on the door. After a short wait there was no answer; and a quick glimpse on the address label told me that I had the wrong house number; I was looking at the drop number on the device rather than the label on the invoice. Fortunately no-one had answered so I had time to walk onto the correct house. This time a lady in a dressing gown opened the door and explained that she'd only just got up; so it was a good thing I waited over in Redditch. After delivering the second part I forgot to lie it down in the hallway; which made the item a bit unstable. When all was delivered and I was on my way back in the  van to base; I had a little old lady in a shop mobility scooter to negotiate with; who forced me onto the other side of the road as she came back from the shops. I then had a blind right turning at a crossroads owing to the angle that I came out of. I'm sure that this is the first of many adventures as a white van man. 

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