Tuesday 25 August 2015

They sure don't make it easy

A marathon day of deliveries today. There were seven drops; and each one was difficult to locate and totally in a completely direction from the route. After a central drop in Stratford where the house was hidden behind a main street in a public car park; things only got worse. I had a very small road to do a nine point turn to turn the van around in Studley. I then had to look for a court in an area where all the buildings were numbered; with no descriptions on the doors whatsoever to distinguish the addresses. Then it was over to Evesham where a zero had fell off the number fifty; and as it was on a corner right next door to number seven on another road; that just made things complicated. A few roads later saw me in central Evesham where; although the house was numbered (I’d first gone up the hill before realising that the street numbers were labelled differently to every other street on the planet), I was told that the customer had actually moved address to just round the corner. I’d just about made my store delivery on time; then after a quick break it was off to a retail park unit that hadn’t actually opened yet. This was followed by a long trip back through Studley and into Redditch; where the apartment building was actually hidden from the one in front. My final delivery of the day was to a retirement complex; where the road given was actually a footpath where I had to park the van on the main road and walk up then round to find the entrance. Make it easy they don’t.

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