Thursday 13 August 2015

Help the Heroes at the Peacock, Forhill

Last night’s venture into the Peacock at Forhill was an attempt to catch up on my Cask Marque ale trail. There were rumours of the pub being owned by Greene King; but on my arrival the ‘Chef and Brewer’ motif on the umbrella soon put paid to that. The beer range on the bar meant that it was certainly to be a quick survey stop, as Greene King Indian Pale and Speckled Hen were alongside Marston’s Help the Heroes beer; not a great selection. I pondered my choice in the gents as the barmaid was serving a group of diners; and slid across the floor on my way out. When I returned to the bar; it was a young chap who served me; which resulted in a pint being poured even though I recalled clearly ordering a half-pint. Their price system seems strange; £3.47 was requested; which was reduced to £1.47 when the barman identified his mistake. Nevertheless; I sat in the uninspiring beer garden and gave my friend a quick call while I guzzled through this beer stop.  

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