Thursday 20 August 2015

Echoing EPODS

It’s amazing that with all this technology how many functions the humble EPOD actually struggles with. Today was the first day that I got my hands on one with the intention of going solo. The first problem was getting a connection to download a route which we had to enter manually. Then once the manifest had downloaded; my barcode scanner failed to work which meant that each item had to be entered manually. I didn't even bother with the in-built sat-nav as I didn't receive any home deliveries; but instead drove straight to the regular drops. My colleagues had much more fun since they each had deliveries and were therefore out to play for a lot longer. Once back I had the added fun of running the shop front since we had a hoard of visitors interested in our shop floor followed by a visit from a head office guy to learn about our internal processes. It was a long time before I was able to be released away…

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