Monday 31 August 2015

Three Castles Corn Dolly at the Rising Sun, Redditch

I hate being involved with the under-age drinkers. Yes, they shouldn’t be with you in the first place; but they’re a friend of someone you know who also invited you. Having made it through the screening process without having been asked for I.D; we then have to wait in the lobby for those that do. And then the message is passed down the line; oh, she’s having trouble getting in. Apparently bouncers are now asking people to see your Facebook profile if you have trouble getting in. Then the debate follows; what shall we do next? The most common sense thing is to leave them outside and not ruin everyone else’s night; as they shouldn’t be out there anyway. But the decision has been made to try another bar. This time I keep towards the head of the group; and as we approach the entrance I go straight in and make for the bar. This way; I can finally enjoy a pint of Three Castles Corn Dolly while the same process is repeated over again; and I can always finish my pint while the decision is made about what to do next; and maybe they’ll get the hint. They did.

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