Sunday 16 August 2015

The Thin Blue Line

I’m not proud of it; but there have been a few close brushes with the law this year as to whether or not I was due to get a speeding ticket. A few months ago I found myself in the nearside lane when queuing for a roundabout; and I had to accelerate in order to get onto the slip road beyond to make room for traffic behind me. What I didn’t realise was that the speed camera was just off the slip road; and as soon as I was in the lane I noted a flash in my rear view mirror. The other time was in the van where a sneaky warden was monitoring speeds just beyond where a fifty zone turned into a thirty zone; and he had hidden himself on someone’s drive behind a hedgerow. I also had to go back that way; and the look he gave me was one of stern justice. The frightening thing is the anticipation; the worry of whether or not you’ve been caught and the consequences that you have to deal with afterwards. There are nutters out there who do speed all the time regardless of who is watching; and I’m very close to becoming one of them!

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