Wednesday 26 August 2015

Morrisons is trying to kill me

I'm convinced that the scum of the earth shops at Morrisons. I arrive in the car park and have to stop short as there’s a trolley left next to a parked car that I've just pulled alongside. There's no clear pedestrian walkway to the entrance. All three of the cash machines are out of order. The light bulbs were hidden away from the main household section and were totally overpriced which was a third of what I had come in for. The contactless reader on the chip and pin machine doesn't work. There is a man lying on the floor with his head stuck inside the automated checkout; leaving a small gap for us to pass through. Outside; I sit on a bench to eat my sausage roll where a woman just dumps her trolley right in front of me. I hope it's her fags that she's left on the floor. On the way out my car is sprayed by the residue of the automatic car wash next door. Finally; on my exit off the roundabout; a large sack of something has been left lying on the curl carriageway for me to swerve and avoid. Sorry Morrisons; but if you're not responsible enough to run your site; it's not convenient for me.  

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