Saturday 22 August 2015

A (partially) successful first attempt!

After fourteen months of waiting; I finally got to do my first run of home deliveries. It was pot luck as I downloaded my route; but after forgetting to pack advice cards into the packages (which turned out that we didn't have anyway); I set off in my van; only to pull up into a lay by ten minutes later as I forgot to tell the customer that I was en route. I found the road with no problems; but when it came to finding the house; the sat-nav said that it was another mile down the road away from the bungalows. As I got nearer a quad bike pulled out behind me; so I carried on and pulled onto a track so that he could carry on allowing me to turn round. However; he carried on down the track and asked me to wind down the window. Only then did I realise that he had a rifle on his back! I told him where I was going and he said to just press the button and carried on his way. So the gates opened and off I walked down the driveway with the packages; leaving the van by the road. After meeting the anxious Hooch-like mongrel, I discovered that I had the right address but the wrong  customer.  Luckily the right customer works for the gentleman; so he took in the packages for me. He explained that the addressee actually lived in a cabin down in the woods. Perhaps I should have driven into the driveway; but there would have been more at stake in turning the van around. 

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