Saturday 31 January 2015

Yellow Yesterdays and Tangerine Tomorrows

I came across 'Yellow Yesterdays' while reading Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things. At first, this seems like such a lovely, peaceful, term. The nice, bright, alliteration conjures up fond images of sunshine and childhood; of happier memories during a warm and relaxing summer. But when you think about it, it can also be used to describe decay and reflection from despair. Faded objects aged with time such as letters and photographs. Days that were once enjoyed but are now difficult to remember. Dying daffodils that were once in the prime of youth. What colour would you use to describe tomorrow? If we were to keep our alliterative theme, it would have to be tangerine. This sounds like the future will be juicy, fruitful and ripe; something to look forward to. But this title contains no element of despair. Tainted would be more realistic; suggesting that the descisions made today will creep upon the outcome of tomorrow. Yellow Yesterdays and Tangerine Tomorrows. 

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