Friday 16 January 2015

Milk crisis

We're low on milk. But this wasn't a problem as I'd had a kebab the night before so was happy to eat my breakfast cereal quite late in the morning. I had to go down town to visit the bank so I offered to get some on the way back. However, my father had needed the exercise and said that he was going to walk to the paper shop so he'd get some then. So off I went to the bank, paid in my cheques then returned home. As I got closer I was looking out for him; expecting to see him walking down the hill or be up ahead in front of me but all was quiet. As I approached the door it was unlocked; so it was either yes or no. And it was an annoying no. Apparently Mum had returned just as he was setting out; so the mission was abandoned as they decided to have a cup of tea and use the last of the milk. And what was the consolidation? A cup of hot chocolate, not realising why I actually needed milk. So off I went early and into Gregs who had stopped their breakfast deals; leaving me with  a chicken and bacon baguette as a choice for a late brunch. 

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