Saturday 24 January 2015

Car Headlights

People often get confused by car headlights. When I’m out in the van it’s amazing how many people don’t even have their sidelights on when passing through fog and overtaking me. As a general rule I always drive with my sidelights on so at least I have a slim chance of being seen. But should I put my dipped lights on when I’m leading the pack? What about in the van where my lights aren’t so bright? And then there are the evening drivers. Sometimes when I’ve got someone behind me, it’s always hard to tell whether they’re just driving over an uneven surface, or whether they’re actually flashing their lights at me. It always gets me paranoid as to whether or not they’ve spotted something wrong with my car or my driving. What we really need are lights that automatically adapt to the conditions outside; with just a safety button for dipped beams. Apparently there are already some cars that have these but they don’t always get it right; so once again technology fails us.

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