Sunday 11 January 2015


Last night I attended my first ever Wassail! I was invited by the organisers who run events for our community orchard, and I fully intended to take part in the spirit of the occasion by borrowing my two year old niece’s drum to awaken the spirits of the trees. We met in a nearby car park then marched over to the green; banging our instruments as we went. On arrival we were given hot mulled cider then gathered round the Wassail tree where the town crier began proceedings. A hooded axe man representing the council portrayed too accurately how the orchard should be cut down so that the land could be used for housing. Then the farmer arrived; dressed as a giant apple; forcing the fruit into the councillor’s mouth and a chase ensued where the giant apple promptly fell over. We even sang ‘Juice-erulam’. It was a great atmosphere and had a much better feel to it than singing Auld Lang Syne around the coffee table on New Year’s Day. So drink ale and Wassail!

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