Sunday 18 January 2015

Responding to Jehovah

 I'm always dreaming up witty conversations for situations that never occur; and one of these is to respond to  Jehovah's witnesses. They typically get dressed up in their Sunday dress and knock  on your door to ask in a daydream-like voice; 'What do you think about war?' without any reference to any country at all. Of course, what they really want you to do is pray with them then sell you a bible. The best one is when they announce that they're looking for God and you can actually point them up the hill in the direction of the church. You can even offer to give them a lift; or shout in frustration at them when they walk away to your neighbour's house as if acting in ignorance. You can even get into a real John Cleese style rant and get very concerned about their well being; and even offer them a lift to the hospital to get them checked out. 

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