Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Last night it was insisted that I attend a New Year's Eve party. As I was due to drive to work early the next day, I was quite happy spending the evening alone watching telly alongside some comfort food but apparently this would not do. Instead I was required to  drive my parents to their friend's family party so they had they luxury of going home when they wanted instead of stopping overnight. And conversation was certainly difficult. A lot of people were feeling sorry for my situation which I really didn't want; and was confined with just one beer which I proceeded to top up with lemonade throughout the evening. That beer lasted three hours; I think it's the longest time I've taken to drink a beer without throwing it away. Anyway, as the party was full of raving alcoholics arguing about the results of the party games; it really wasn't a good place to be. I need to get out of this place. 

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