Friday 2 January 2015

Cats should be seen then chased away

I have nearly ran over next door's cat. I didn't mean to; it was just there; standing in the way as I was preparing to pull onto the driveway. I did a quick check to see that there  were no cars coming; no pedestrians and no-one on the driveway. But of course, it's hard to see something that's just over a foot high standing behind the wall. I flashed my high beams then looked about but I couldn't see it at all. So I had to get out the car and work out where it was; but by the time I had done that; it was certainly not in front of the car. When I returned to the driver's seat, it was slowly walking up the hill. I wanted to chase it but decided to pull the car onto the driveway first. Curiously enough; this may have been watched by my next door neighbour; who was visiting her parents across the street. She was watching me as I was returning to the car. Then when I got out the car she had disappeared; but guess where the cat was heading towards? I may have to buy them a cat flap next year in order to avoid leaving them a dead moggy. 

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