Saturday 17 January 2015

Panicing the Elite

I’ve managed to upset the beery weirdies. Apparently by agreeing to publicise a pub’s promotion to recruit more members to our beer club at no cost to ourselves has raised some concern. It has broken waves in the higher circles. But no-one seems to know what the issue is. Is it the logos? Well, they were supplied by a member of our headquarters so that’s all legit. Is it an irresponsible offer? Well, at the end of the day, that’s up to the individual to decide whether to partake or not. People have been asking me about it, saying that they’ve had flurries of phone calls and e-mails but are currently debating whether it is acceptable or not. Me, I’m all for it. Any scheme to increase our membership at no cost to us it great. If people are concerned that the pub is trying to buy votes for the CAMRA Good Beer Guide then they also need to consider what other pubs do and understand the concept of trading in a competitive market. But if they expect me to demand the offer to be withdrawn; then they have truly lost the plot and I wonder how independent this organisation wants to be.    

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