Wednesday 21 January 2015

Dreaming up the Viewpoints

The other strange dream I had concerned a bus in Peterborough. My friend and I had arrived in the city for our annual beer conference; and had got talking to a lovely couple who had offered to give us a lift to the city centre in their camper van. So on we boarded and was handed a beer as we set off. But as soon as we entered the city's ring road system we found ourselves heading the wrong way up a duel carriageway with opposing traffic swerving all around us and our kind drivers were laughing their heads off. Eventually we swerved just as we were crossing a bridge and crashed through the barrier and onto the road below. Our vehicle was totally squashed just like a cartoon, and my friend legged it round the corner unscathed while I stood there deciding what to do. The interesting thing was that I dreamt the swerving bit while inside the camper van; but when it came to driving off the bridge; I dreamt that from the view of outside. Whether I jumped out of the vehicle or not I'm unsure; but it was like dreaming up my very own movie scene. 

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