Tuesday 6 January 2015

Time for tea

For me, making tea is an art form. You can’t just chuck a bag in a mug then add hot water. It needs to stew for at least three minutes to release the flavour, then add just the right amount of milk for that creamy taste without watering it down. But apparently there are good teabags and there are bad teabags. I thought bad teabags just made it taste watery. But no. Everyone else thinks they are awful; which would explain the abandoned mugs all around the workplace. For me, I just think it tastes a bit milky, so it’s probably easier to put less milk in. Now that I come to think of it, I can never get that lovely brown colour out of the teabags at work. Still, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, so drink up or stop complaining and make your dam own.

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