Sunday 14 April 2024

Stop Smoking

Is this going to be a diary-driven project which records when I cut down? Am I required to record my daily habits and it’s going to tell me off if I indulge or congratulate me when I’m on a clean break? Or maybe Alexa’s secretly on fire and emitting smoke into the room? Will there be dramatic music or warnings from the Chief Medical Officer? Maybe I should start this day every way just for the moral support, even though I don’t smoke. My attempt was a wall of silence. Either it misheard the command, rejected the app as it’s now closed, or stopped what it was doing. It’d be nice if I could get a message to say that the app’s no longer working so that I’m reassured that it’s the app at fault and not the device itself. Either that, or the air in my room is going to be a lot cleaner.

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