Wednesday 10 April 2024

Funeral for a Friend #dreamdiary 175

It’s time for a funeral of a friend of mine. I haven’t seen him for a long time so I’m not even sure how he died. The only thing I know is that someone has decided that it should be some kind of a party. We’re encouraged to wear brightly coloured clothes. I end up wearing a fabric rainbow top hat with a bright green shirt and white trousers. As a disguise, I also decide to wear dark sunglasses in case someone recognises me and has repercussions. There’s quite a crowd. People are actually lining the streets to see him pass by. Considering the length of time since I’d last seen him and the amount of people standing around, I decide to just watch the body roll through the gates rather than stay and attend the whole service. Instead of a hearse, it’s a limousine that rolls past me at the gates to the crematorium. 

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