Saturday 20 April 2024


I’d bought my Mum one of the cheap unbranded smartwatches. It’s a Chinese product that does everything that all the branded ones do at a slice of the cost. She’s quite impressed with its functionality and design. The only problem is that a few months later she’s dropped it and the strap no longer seems to want to hold together. She thinks that she’s managed together all the part back together, but I’ve got no idea how they all fit. There’s no diagram, and although I can see how some of the parts clip back in, I’ve got no idea if I’m attaching them the right way. Fortunately, the watch comes with a spare band but it’s a rubber silicon design instead of a fitted mesh strap. I’ve followed the path that the manufacturers want -purchasing  a new one instead of repairing the old. I’ve taken the lazy way out.

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