Saturday 6 April 2024

Futurama (Season 11)

When I first heard the news that a new batch of seasons had been commissioned, I was delighted. However, from what I've seen so far, it seems to have lost its charm and ironic wit, which is often animated and hidden into the background rather than becoming part of the plot. There's some interesting attempts at continuity, but it lacks creativity such as interesting inventions and time travel, with the original situ taking a major back story. It’s certainly not enough to attract new viewers from this airing. A lot of the lower-level characters like the robots haven't been included, maybe for budget reasons, and there's not enough attempts at worldwide peril and too many character developments. Perhaps ten episodes are too few for a new season. But at least these writers haven't attempted to undo anything, and has left the series open for someone else to have a better attempt.

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