Friday 12 April 2024

Mister Big

At first glance, there’s a tall thin man with short ginger hair and a short face. There’s a character with the bare minimum of a wax jacket, wellingtons and gaiters who isn’t afraid to put in a bit of hard work to achieve a goal. There’s a lot of nervousness about him but he’s equally grateful to anyone who’s placed a little faith and investment in him. A few years down the line, the times have changed. He’s strutting his stuff like a peacock as he realises how good his product is. His dress sense has changed to more of a business sense where he’s now seen in a clean shirt and polished shoes. He’s also seeking out opportunities rather than compliments. There’s an effort to make contacts but it’s to sell the business rather than to seek out sales. The gaiters have been swapped for a business jacket to portray someone who’s no longer prepared to get their hands dirty.

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