Monday 29 April 2024

Back on Track #astoncantlow 6

Back on a paved track, we passed a farm followed by some holiday cottages on a single-track road. It then leaves the built-up area then curves round and faces north. We stayed on this road and enjoyed the view of gently rolling hills until we reached a T-junction. Turning right, we headed east underneath the Edstone then ascended the staircase on the right to join up with the canal. Turning right, we were able to walk north along one of the country’s longest aqueducts before following the canal back towards Wootton Warren. Along the way, we just happened to pass one of my ex-girlfriends. After passing the marina, the canal changes course and bears north-east. At the next footbridge was a stile on our left which led us west down a gravel track to a single-track road. Heading north, we turned left at the main road which led us back to the village hall car park.

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