Wednesday 3 April 2024

Is This the Way to [insert town here]? #wootton 11

It took me a while to work out what this symbolised. Obviously it was a milepost, but it was the abbreviations underneath which intrigued me (for the record, it’s Stratford On Avon Canal Society). Did it belong to an ancient secret society who planted these as message points? If I were to dig a hole nearby, would I find a letterbox or a key? Maybe it was an access point to listen to an underwater radio like on a submarine but for a canal network. Perhaps if you push down, the wooden fencing behind it would open, leaving you to access a safe haven or resting place. The answer is a bit more obvious, though it’s weird because of the letters they chose. Is it a less formal way of pronouncing the town? It does make it feel more guild-like and with the people. I suppose it’s got less syllables in it, and it identifies more with the society and fellow nearby societies rather than the town itself.


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