Tuesday 23 April 2024

Aston Antics #astoncantlow 4

Continuing to the end of the road, we turned right and passed a mixture of old and brick-built housing. We passed the village club on our left which looked more like a pub, and oddly a beautiful village hall in a traditional merchant’s house was just on the other side of the T-junction. But why would you have two community spaces next to each other? Perhaps they both cater for distinct types of residents. Across the road from this was the pub. Because of restrictions, we had to enter via the car park at the side where we had a table in the garden in the shelter of a magnificent oak tree, and a hatch operated a bar  service. The menu was also restricted, but we opted for the fish platter for two, which was a feast of goujons, sardines, bread, salad, dips and prawns alongside a side order of chips.

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