Thursday 18 April 2024

The Worst Day

They say that piss preparation gives you poor performance. I knew that not having a plan would cause all sorts of problems. It’s one of the first things that they teach you at the training schools. Plan, perform, review. Without it, you can’t sync the learning to the national curriculum. But I’d spent too much time socialising the night before. I’d had to get some marking done afterwards which required constant vigilance of spelling and grammar, as well as fact checking to make sure that any revolutionary views were in line. I thought I’d have just enough time to start planning introductions to the next segment of Romeo & Juliet, and I’d made some notes about language and what to look for in each character’s performance. I was sure that I’d done this all before but I couldn’t recall where the book was. I’d passed out with a giddy head with my textbook on my bed with YouTube in front of me blaring in the background. Then I woke up. I should have called in sick, but when I saw what the time was, I realised that there wasn’t any time to organise any cover…

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