Friday 26 April 2024

Ironing out my Dreams #dreamdiary 176

I’ve built my own smart speaker. It’s a little on the impractical side, it’s currently the size of a steam generator. But the base is see-through and all the wiring is neatly stowed away in the plastic lid so that you can’t see it. I think it was the only available container that I had to hand. At the moment it’s primarily used as an alarm clock that can wake you to the sound of your choice and tell you the weather, but other features are coming, which is why there’s so much space. I decide to show this idea to a friend who runs a tech store to see if he’s interested in helping me to develop it and sell it at his store. I manage to accost him on his way to work. Unfortunately he’s running a bit late so he has to run ahead of me so that he can start to open up the store on time.

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