Wednesday 17 April 2024

Aqueduct Antiques #astoncantlow 1

This was an interesting walk that walk us into the heart of countryside while seeing some interesting sights along the way. It was mostly flat, though it was a bit long as we arrived at the pub too early on the route, and we also had to take a slight detour back owing to a missed footpath. Parking at the village hall, we walked directly south past the social club and into the neighbouring field. As the field opened out, we turned left and bore east until we reached the river, and just before the footbridge we turned right and followed the river directly south. The footpath headed directly past a local sewage works, but luckily nothing was stinking at the time. The trial brought us onto a concreted path next to a railway bridge and we were lucky enough to witness a train pass over us before we proceeded underneath.

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